Wednesday, April 16, 2008


How to make money online in just 4 steps

A simple 4-step formula that will let you make money online and put you on the right track to internet profits. I would like to share with you a short secret report about making money online. Listen, this is perhaps the only real way to generating money on demand anytime you want, so be sure to keep your eyes glued to this page. What I've done is distilled the wisdom from literally hundreds of e-books, courses and seminars for you - so that you won't have to!

1. STEP ONE: Target Your Market And Differentiate Your Offer

Don't go for the mass, not online anyway, there's too much tough competition. The secret's in isolating your niche markets. Becoming an expert in your targeted niche market and differentiating your offerings. Create your selling proposition and stand out from the crowd: e.g. hip-hop music videos instead of just music videos.

In a web-marketing scenario, you may want to focus on a very specific area. Next, find out what's selling online (demand) and sell to these markets (supply), it is really that simple and straight-forward. Online demand can be easily discovered from 'hot' keywords. These are specifically keywords that are typed into the search engines, keywords that are being searched for every month.

Where would people go to search for information they want, even information they would be willing to pay for? There're numerous free online tools available to find these demanded keywords e.g. goodkeywords, wordtracker & keyword sleuth. Now it's a matter of punching in your keywords and knowing how many times they were searched on in the month. For example, I found out "Make Money Online" was searched 16,159 times on average in less than 3 minutes using Good Keywords.

2. STEP TWO: Start Your Own Website And Generate An Opt-In List From It

This step is absolutely crucial if you desire to make even a cent online. Firstly you've got to have your own website to be ready to make money. Following up with your visitors with an opt-in list is where most successful marketers and gurus make their online fortunes. Web visitors hardly buy on their first visit; failure to capture their emails for further follow-up means you'd be counting lesser money at the end of the month. Learn just one thing today and start your own website and opt-in list now.

3. STEP THREE: Drive Targeted Traffic To Your Website

It's all about getting TARGETED traffic and converting them well. But you don't want just any traffic as mentioned. What you need is qualified and targeted paying traffic. The profitability of your website all depends on how good you're at driving targeted traffic to it whenever you want. For example, a very easy and quick way would be to write simple articles and get them everywhere. By the way you'd want to learn about How to get ranked at the top of the search engines."

4. STEP FOUR: Converting Your Visitors Into Customers

As mentioned it will be pretty useless getting traffic if your website doesn't convert well. By this I mean you must get visitors all excited and charged-up into taking specific actions you want them to take, like buy your products and opt-in to your list. Some ways to increase your conversion rate would be to improve upon the web copy, and loading time.

Before I forget, you'll need good products to sell if you're ever going to make money online in the first place. I know this isn’t exactly a 'big revelation' but… "Here's How You Can Get Unlimited Products To Sell For Serious Cash Online!" All right then here're three basic ways to get products to sell for profits:

a. First Way: Get Other People's Products

This is really the easiest and fastest way to 'instant' online money, what you'd call affiliate marketing. It's simply about finding quality affiliate products relevant to your targeted market, recommending them and cashing in your commissions. Affiliate marketing is very profitable. You can even quit your day job with it once you get the system right.

b. Second Way: Get Resale Rights To "Ready-Made Products"

Reselling digital info-products like e-books and software is a no-brainer business you can start instantly and easily. Without much effort or investment, anyone can make money from them.

c. Third Way: Get YOUR OWN Products!

Creating your own products is what I'd call the 'ultimate quest' of every Internet marketer. It's an advancement from being just an affiliate to owning your own products which you can control 100%.

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